Why are Professionals Needed to Remove Soot after Fire Damage?
10/8/2021 (Permalink)
After a house or commercial fire, no matter the size, dealing with the aftermath of smoke and soot can be a heavy burden for home or business owners. It is important to correctly clean soot off of any surfaces and out of the air after a fire. These tiny particles of soot can continue to stain surfaces it rests on in your home or business. SERVPRO is trained and educated on how to remove these particles safely and effectively. Soot removal can be a tedious and dirty job. The goal with SERVPRO is to resolve your soot issue in the correct way, and restore your home and belongings to its previous condition.
Here are three reasons why choosing SERVPRO to get soot professionally removed is the right decision:
- Time is not always on your side. If left untreated or in the area for too long, smoke and soot will damage your property. Serious health effects can happen due to the soot’s particularly small particle size. Soot can be very acidic which does not mix well on some surfaces and possessions in a home. If walls are cleaned incorrectly, they can leave a permanent soot stain on them. When having SERVPRO come in immediately, much of this potential damage can be avoided.
- There are also things you cannot see in a home or business that is affected by fire/soot as well. Smoke and soot can get into the insulation and HVAC system. If your HVAC system is running during a fire or following a fire, soot particles will enter your air ducts and filters, causing persistent odor problems and possibly even negative health effects. To prevent this, we will clean your air ducts and ensure that all harmful and odor-causing particulate health effects are removed. Open windows, install fans and get the air moving will also help with removing some soot and odor but restoration companies have the tools to get the more difficult areas cleaned. Such as if there is a lot of moisture present, there will have to be significant dehumidifying to the air or risk secondary damage from mold. If the fire department sprayed your building with a lot of water, you’ll need to do some water damage restoration first as well. Professional duct, vent and HVAC cleaning is also highly recommended.
- Getting the job done correctly the first time. Soot is a messy and oily residue that leaves its mark on your home. By hiring SERVPRO, you can be assured that the job will be done in a timely fashion and done to standard specifications. Smoke seeps through cracks, crevices, and hidden places, damaging areas you may not be able to see.